5 Days... 4 States... 1 Goal... After a busy holiday season, Dane and I left for Fredericksburg, Texas. We were blessed to see so many cities throughout the Southwest and arrive in one piece (including our winery equipment that traveled with us). We took a few detours including the Grand Canyon, Santa Fe, Roswell, and, of course, the famous Mckenzie Street. I say famous because it was photographed almost 20 years ago- same Mckenzie, different shoulder seat. We hit the ground running once we arrived in Fredericksburg in terms of the business(es)- too busy to officially unpack into our new residence. In terms of the winery property, we are currently in escrow with a parcel on Highway 290 and completing the due diligence. We have an idea of the design and can't wait to start building, as long as everything checks out. The Lab Pros is looking for an office space and will o...
Follow our journey in building a winery