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Update: September 20th 2018

A big thank you to all our friends, family, and new supporters that are following our journey! We began dreaming of our own winery a long time ago, but only seriously considered it within the last 4 months. Current update: we have a name, corporation, general location, dozens of cost analysis spreadsheets, and a whole bunch of ideas. Oh, and a half-paid-for grape press.

We have made an offer on a property, and in the process of counter offering, obtaining a survey, and going through due diligence- all during our current harvest in California. The image attached to this post is a sneak peak of the property: 38 acres off of Highway 290 in Fredericksburg, TX. We wanted to be close enough to the main highway to receive the traffic, but far enough away to provide a sense of exclusiveness to our guests.

Deciding on this property was not easy- we looked at dozens of properties. A big shout out to Cloe Sill, our realtor, on having the patience to put up with us!

We are finding some issues with this parcel, such as 10 acres of pecan trees and floodplains. Deciding on the right area to build a winery and tasting room will be another issue later on.

Dane has given notice at his current positon as a winemaker for three wineries in the Carmel area, and we will be expanding our laboratory The Lab Pros into Texas later this year. We plan to pack up and officially move in late December to begin this crazy journey.

Fingers crossed and of course more updates to follow..
